Wednesday 10 October 2012

Open Sports - HailStones, Space Hoppers & Man Down!

NOT a typical race weekend!
SAT - We only managed 1 round of qualifying on Sat before the sky's turned very grey and down came the rain! It was heavy and lots of it! We ran a 9.81 on a 9.18 dial as we were suffering some fuel problems. No more racing today so lets do the next best thing - Space Hopper racing on the track of course with fuel masks, helmets & wellies! All was going well, Dads v Dads, Girls v Girls and then Chief v Space hopper and MAN DOWN! Steve was carried to the med centre where he produced what looked like a boiled egg stuck to his ankle! No more Olympics for us today. Thanks as always to the med centre staff who did a sterling job of looking after Steve. We are starting to think of them as the LFR med staff after the various team visits over the last 2 years!
SUN - weather looked better and we managed 2 runs, the 2nd of which caused a little argument back in the pits as Mark pulled a larger wheelie than (Lynne) he would have liked and crossed the centre line hence the run being disqualified. At least Marks Mom, Auntie, Dorset Horn Carole & GHGH  Val didn't see it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bonus though, Mark was awarded 'Wildest Ride' trophy by C&C!
Back in the pits LFR & Team Gridlock staged their own version of the Olympics where Marra's (Marrows!) were used as batons in the relay, kids were carried on shoulders for the egg & spoon, Val flag started the races with Union Jacks & Mark & Dex ran a pushchair race! Good fun was had by all & kids went to bed happy full of sugar & rice crispy cakes! At least there wasn't any cheating was there Sarah (Howells) & Joe (Berwick)!
MON - Race Day
Weather was better than forecast so to round 1 of elims. Car hadn't run too well all weekend and we had Adz in the 1st so it should be close as he dialled 9.25 & we dialled 9.28. Sadly we had a problem & lost to Adz with a poor 12.13 @ 61mph. Fair play to Adz & we had had great fun partying with Team Gridlock this weekend. (Mark still mentions beating Adz in the space hopper & egg & spoon though!).
A mixed weekend of injury & car trouble but had a good old laugh, won a few Olympic medals & topped it all off with trophy for Best Appearing Team so still smiling!!

1 comment:

  1. No cheating mate, just an alternative interpretation of the rules! Great to see you having so much fun but do try to stay on your side of the track lol :-) x
