Monday 16 July 2012

Dragstalgia 2012

We had fun!
Friday night was a long wet, windy one and it was a long wait on Saturday before we could get suited and booted and go racing! As soon as we had the call to go Ian fired up the 'push' truck, his lovely 1949 Chevy in team colours, and off we went. 5.05pm, we ran a 9.38/143mph. Not bad. Back to the pits hoping for another. Oh no here comes the rain again! Just enough time for a Push & a Cackle! Great fun, topped off with flame burnouts and even a sunset!
Sunday came and we were woken up with the sun streaming in through the curtains. Perfect racing weather. Sadly Lynne wasn't well so she had to listen to our run info from the camper bed and miss the sun! We gave Claire a dial in of 9.20, hadn't really got much to go on! 1st run 9.35/144mph, 2nd 9.25/143mph, 3rd spot on(ish) at 9.204/143mph & the 4th was 9.24/142mph. All in all a pretty consistent weekend.
A good weekend for the Marras as they finally go their hands on the old LFR chassis! Wrathchild is on it's way!
A fab weekend for Harley blasting around in his Tot rod. Massive thanks to Lee Patrick for getting it running and to Lee & Martin for fixing it after the little bump and to the Marras for chasing little man around the pits in it all weekend and keeping an eye on him!
A great weekend for BallBreaker and all the crew as we received the Santa Pod Dragstalgia 2012 Showmanship Award for Best Appearing Team, sponsored by LA Racing Parts. Happy Days!
We all travelled home in a convoy, The Coulsells & BallBreaker, Marras & Wrathchild, Steve & caravan & Anna & Ada, imagine the conversations if we'd have had CB radio!!
Thanks as always for all of the support from friends and family and to all of the photographers for capturing some great shots of us having fun!

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