Wednesday 10 October 2012

Hot Rod Drags 2012

We love this meeting & the sun was shining!
Race Car - check, matching Tot Rod - check, Ian's Chevy Truck - check - let's have some Nostalgic fun!
SAT - 1st run - we followed Crazy Chris, being pushed by the gorgeous Burb truck & accompanied by stunningly dressed Claire as back up girl, to do a good old fashioned push start & flag start. We put 12 psi in the tyres to spin the tyres off the start line. Surprisingly with new tyres & a good track we ran a 9.15 @ 142mph!
Claire did an amazing job as back up girl & Lynne has promised that she will pluck up the courage to do it with her next year.
2nd run - we dropped the tyres to 5.5psi and ran 9.32 @ 140mph! Should have left them at 12 psi!!
Nobody cares, we're having fun! Now for the cackle.
Once again BallBreaker was pushed down the pairing lanes by Ian's gorgeous truck to lots of applause from the packed stands. Lots of noise was made, fireworks were lit & everyone went to bed smiling & happy. What a great day.
SUN - lets play again!
1st run 9.10 @143mph - that'll do nicely. Lunch & a stroll around the trade stands for Team LFR.
2nd run was a repeat of Saturday morning following Crazy Chris & his great outfit to do another push start down the pairing lanes. Great response from the crowds again. We ran a 9.51 @ 141mph to a 8.96 @ 149mph from Chris but we didn't care. We'd had  a great weekend and we all went home with a warm & fuzzy feeling!

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